Tim's story

Read more about Tim's experience.

Tim's story

"I had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and was having hormone therapy when I heard about The Exercise Clinic. I was having treatment for my mental health before this and was finding it difficult to walk for more than 10 minutes regularly.

I wanted to fight the cancer and improve my mental health. I didn't want to lose muscle strength, which is a common side effect of hormone treatment. I wanted to be able to exercise all my muscles, so that I would be able to do things more easily, like bending down and getting in and out of the car, which were becoming increasingly difficult.

The Exercise Clinic has helped me to get into a positive routine of taking part in the exercise classes, which are on Zoom at present. Without this I wouldn't be motivated to keep my muscles working. I can now also manage to do some walking on the treadmill at home, for up to 30 minutes, and am increasing my pace. It has definitely built up my strength. I am now able to do exercises which seemed impossible when I joined the class. As the exercises focus on all parts of the body, it's been life changing. I can now bend down, get in and out of the car easily and am positive about continuing my cancer treatment. I've just completed 20 days of radiotherapy treatment, which I've found easier to cope with due to the exercise classes.

Tim is now able to walk for up to 30 minutes on the treadmill

I have a Garmin watch and I choose to keep records of my exercising on a spreadsheet, including daily steps and heart rate. I want to control my weight as I understand hormone therapy often leads to weight increases. I was already a little overweight, but so far I've lost a few pounds gradually through diet and exercise.

The exercise classes are varied and have made me feel more positive mentally, and have given me hope and motivation. Emily has been very encouraging and makes me feel supported. Through the exercise class it's also helpful to meet others having similar treatment and with the same needs. Emily relates appropriately to each individual, taking into account our different levels of ability and health. I feel more positive mentally and physically and hope that these session will continue."
