The Exercise Clinic is delighted to announce that we have been funded by The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity to deliver an innovative exercise pilot project for people diagnosed with prostate cancer, in collaboration with The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust.

The Exercise Clinic is delighted to announce that we have been funded by The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity to deliver an innovative exercise pilot project for people diagnosed with prostate cancer, in collaboration with The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust.

The project comprises six stages:
- educational seminars;
- triage of patients by a Royal Marsden physiotherapist to The Exercise Clinic or The Royal Marsden’s physiotherapy team;
- group exercise sessions;
- one-to-one appointments with a clinical exercise physiologist from The Exercise Clinic;
- patient driven exercise goals supported with a personalised care plan; and
- exercise tracking using The Exercise Clinic’s app and motivational support.
This innovative exercise intervention is expected to run for twelve months and is a collaboration between The Exercise Clinic and The Royal Marsden’s physiotherapy team and clinicians based at The Royal Marsden’s Sutton site.
Emily Curtis, Chief Executive of The Exercise Clinic said:
“Physical activity and structured exercise are hugely important for patients diagnosed with prostate cancer and can significantly impact recovery and management of the disease. We are very grateful to The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity for their support in funding this exciting initiative”.
Chris Cottrell who was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2011 and is a member of The Exercise Clinic’s team said:
“For me, exercise has been life changing and life saving. It has been hard at times to maintain my exercise programme but having support, structure and seeing progress has been crucial to my engagement. We are privileged to be able to work with The Royal Marsden in a project involving up to 900 patients diagnosed with prostate cancer. It will be a unique opportunity to share with others some of the things that have helped me”.
Alison Reid, Consultant Medical Oncologist at The Royal Marsden said:
“At the Royal Marsden we see hundreds of patients with prostate cancer each year. The Exercise Clinic’s knowledge and their experience of working with people diagnosed with prostate cancer will help us support our patients and potentially improve patient outcomes.”